One of our biggest events of the year is the "Grand Haven Coast Guard Festival Entertainment Tent".  We have several openings for volunteers to serve beverages, run errands, set up on the 4th and tear down on the 8th.  We have many positions that need your help to make this a success.  Sign-up sheets are on the back wall in the club room.

Welcoming New Members



 We would like to welcome all of our new members.  If you or your friends are interested in joining the B.P.O.E., Grand Haven Lodge #1200 stop on in and talk to any member about sponsorship!

Sign-up sheets

We have sign up sheets posted on the wall at the club for the entertainment tent.  We need a lot of people to volunteer for this to make it a successful event.  This is the money maker for our club, and your help is greatly needed, and appreciated.